We are excited to introduce you to a very close-to-home-maker this month: Jen Faber of ScrapFaery! Jen was born and raised in Midland and still resides there to this day. She also got some higher education at a couple places locals might recognize - Delta College, and Saginaw Valley State University! Jen says she grew up around makers (granny dabbled in a bit of everything and mom and sister knit and quilt) so making has always come naturally to her.
Her first run-in with the business side of things with regard to making was in the jewelry department. She made necklaces and posted them on Etsy as well as created custom pieces for co-workers around the office. Soon after she was able to sell her jewelry in a storefront and once that realm of the business was established she moved on to making with paper. Jen explains, “I have more paper than is necessary for a single human being. I have crates of notebook paper, scrapbook paper, graph paper, dot paper, etc. I was already making my own travel journals and day planners -- making junk journals seemed like a natural progression.” The name of her business was another natural progression being that she working with scraps of paper, fabric, and miscellaneous jewelry pieces.
Right now ScrapFaery is a fun side gig for Jen but she would love for it to be full time once day. Her favorite part of the process (like several of our makers) is the creation process. She loves going through her stash and selecting the perfect papers, envelopes, and other pieces necessary for her scrap journals. You can find Jen’s unique items in our store or by visiting her Etsy shop below. BONUS FOR YOU THIS MONTH ONLY, she’s giving you 20% off your purchase in her online shop, just use the code HALFMILE20 at checkout!